Every year Choice publishes a list of Outstanding Academic  Titles that were reviewed during the previous calendar year. This prestigious list reflects the best in scholarly titles reviewed by Choice: it contains approximately two percent of some 6,000 works reviewed in Choice each year. The award is granted by the American Library Association to books on the basis of “ their excellence in scholarship and presentation and their value as important – often the first – treatment of their subject”.

The editors apply several criteria to reviewed titles:
Overall excellence in presentation and scholarship
Importance relative to other literature in the field
Distinction as a first treatment of a given subject in book or electronic form
Originality or uniqueness of treatment
Value to undergraduate students
Importance in building undergraduate library collections. 

Jean Cocteau, A Life, by Claude ARNAUD (Yale University Press), has been named as one of these Outstanding Academic Titles in 2018. READ MORE…


Sous l’égide de l’American Library Association, Choice dresse chaque année une liste d’ouvrages d’exception publiés durant l’année écoule. Cette liste prestigieuse recense le meilleur des 6,000 titres chroniqués annuellement par Choice.

Les éditeurs répondent aux critères suivants:
-Excellence dans l’exposition et le traitement du sujet.
-Importance relative aux autres ouvrages publiés dans le même champs d’exploration.
-Originalité et singularité du traitement.
-Intérêt pour les étudiants concernés.

Jean Cocteau, A Life, par Claude ARNAUD (Yale University Press), a été choisi comme l’un de ces Outstanding Academic Titles pour 2018.